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b.自費生:非以上公費資格 (名額:90位)


※符合請假條件者,請務必於考後一週內(5/29前) 填寫請假表並送出,逾時不受理。






費用:500元  (如需退費,需負擔手續費用。)






1.  攜帶暨大學生證及可插入電腦主機音源孔的有線耳機應試。


2.  事先於語文中心官網觀看OOPT操作說明

[提醒] 未於時間內完成所有作答(意即畫面顯示測驗結束),成績會顯示為0分。


如考試當天未能準時到考,請於考後一週內 (5月29日) 前持正當理由請假證明至語文中心辦公室補請假手續,未完成程序者,公費生將喪失一次應試資格/自費生將不予退費 (請假申請表如附件) 。



The Language Teaching Center will hold an OOPT test from 13:00 to 17:00 (Wednesday) on May 22nd, 2024.


The examinees qualified to take the OOPT without further payment include:

a. Sophomore students who take Sophomore English in 112-2 semester with student ID numbers start with “111”.

b. Those not meeting the qualifications of the above item A and wish to take the test at their own expense: (Quota: 90 NCNU students).

※If your request for leave of absence is approved, please submit the application form for leave of absence to LTC within one week after the test. It will not be accepted after May 29th.

※If you are unable to attend the OOPT test on time on May 22nd, you will forfeit one opportunity to take the test.

Extra spots open for students to register to take the test at their own expense: 90 NCNU students


Registration website: LTC website


Registration and payment period: March 18th to April 17th, 17:00 pm, 2024


Registration fee: NT$ 500 (In case of refund, service fees will be deducted from the amount paid.)