5月22日(星期三) OOPT測驗考場資訊 May 22nd OOPT Test Information
The Language Teaching Center will hold an OOPT test at 13:00~15:30 (Wed.) on May 22nd, 2024.( entry time: 12:50 and 14:20)
1. 攜帶暨大學生證及可插入電腦主機音源孔的有線耳機應試。(有發燒或呼吸道症狀要戴口罩)
Please bring your NCNU student card and earphones (wireless earphones are not acceptable) with you to take the test.(Students with fever or respiratory symptoms have to wear a mask for the test.)
Please read the OOPT PowerPoint on LTC Website.
[提醒] 未於時間內完成所有作答,成績會顯示為0分。
[Reminder] If all the answers are not completed within the time, the score will be displayed as zero.
OOPT test locations:
Students need to check the following file to know the assigned time and location to take the OOPT test.
*If there’s any problem, please reply with the correct information to this mailbox or contact LTC 049-2910960 #2655、2651.
如考試當天未能準時到考,請於考後一周內持正當理由請假證明至語文中心辦公室補請假手續,未完成程序者,公費生將喪失一次應試資格/自費生將不予退費。 (請假申請表如附件)
If you can't attend the OOPT test on time on the date, please provide a certified leave of absence to LTC within one week after the test. The examinees without further payment will lose one qualification for testing if they do not finish the procedure of the leave of absence. The examinees at their own expense will not get a refund if they do not finish the procedure of the leave of absence.
(Refer to the attachment of the certified leave of absence form)