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FAQ for EMI TA Training Program


1.     申請培訓資格為何?

Who can apply for the program?

1)     凡是受聘為接受全英語授課補助之全英語授課課程的教學助教。


Teaching assistants of EMI courses that receive Promotion Subsidy of EMI Curricula For more information and details, please read The Guidelines for Promotion Subsidy of EMI Curricula in National Chi-Nan International University


English: https://ltrc.ncnu.edu.tw/web/law/law.jsp?cp_id=CP1643076814368

2)     凡暨南大學在學學生,且英語能力至少為CEFR B1

All matriculated NCNU students with English proficiency level at CEFR B1or above.


2.     報名培訓時間為何?

When can I apply?


Usually within the first two weeks of each semester. For more information and details for each semester, please visit this website:


English: https://ltrc.ncnu.edu.tw/web/secondary/courses_in_english.jsp?cp_id=CP1651732708495


3.     培訓時間多久?

How long will the training take?


So far (111-2 semester) each EMI TA in training is allowed to complete the training in two consecutive semesters. But this might change as some complications arise.


4.     如何報名培訓?

Where and how do I apply?

一律採線上報名。點進每一學期EMI TA培訓公告網頁上的Google報名表單,完成報名手續。詳請請至以下網站:

Online. Click on the link to the Google form and fill out the application. For more information and details for each semester, please visit this website:


English: https://ltrc.ncnu.edu.tw/web/secondary/courses_in_english.jsp?cp_id=CP1651732708495


5.     培訓內容為何?

What is included in the program?

1)     語言訓練Language training

a.      這部分是最受目前完成培訓的EMI TA認為最受益的課程。

 So far, this has been the best received part of the EMI TA training according to many students who have completed the program.

b.     依英文能力不同,須完成至少610個小時不等的語言訓練。訓練課程為每週一次的EMI TA Chatroom.

Depending on your English proficiency level, you are required, but not limited, to complete 6 to 10 hours of EMI TA Chatroom.

若英文能力為CEFR B1:需至少完成10小時

   CEFR B1: minimum 10 hours

若英文能力為CEFR B2:需至少完成6小時

   CEFR B2 or above: minimum 6 hours

2)     線上EMI概論課程,了解推動EMI的來龍去脈、實務與挑戰。

Introductory lectures to the what, why, and how of EMI, as well as its challenges

3)     不同主題的工作坊,如跨文化溝通議題及實用英文簡報自巧等等。

Workshops on various topics, such as practical English presentation skills


6.     參加EMI TA培訓就能被老師僱用嗎?

Does EMI TA training guarantee employment?

不會,你可以在受僱後完成EMI TA培訓,你也可以持本資格去找老師尋求當EMI TA的機會。

No, not necessarily.

7.     參加EMI TA培訓的好處有哪些?

Why do I want to apply?


A few reasons:

1)     為未來雙語國家做好準備。

Preparation for a bilingual environment.

2)     參加EMI TA培訓有助於未來職涯發展。

If you are interested in pursuing a teaching career in Taiwan or anywhere around the globe in the future, this program is definitely for you.

3)     或是你想提升自己的英文語言能力,這個培訓也是個不錯選擇。

Or if you are interested in upgrading your English, this program is also for you.


8.     我需要完成哪些事項?

What do I need to do?

You need to:

1)     完成教發中心的基本教學助理培訓。此項培訓課程在每一學期第一週即開始,通常須於4-5週之內完成。詳情請至以下網站:

Complete the basic teaching assistant training program from the Center of Learning and Teaching Development (教發中心). It usually starts in the first week of each semester and you have about 4 to 5 weeks to complete it. For more information and details (only available in Chinese), please visit this website:


2)     需提供至少CEFR B1的英文能力證明。

Provide a certificate of proof that shows your English proficiency level is at CEFR B1 or above.

3)     參加EMI TA Chatroom課程,完成規定語言訓練時數。

Complete required hours of Language Training by attending EMI TA Chatroom.

Your English Proficiency Level

Number of required minimum hours



B2 or above



NOTE: 如果因EMI TA Chatroom所安排的時間與所修習的課程時間衝突,而可能有無法完成EMI TA Chatroom所規定的最少時數,請儘快在訓練課程開始之後三星期以內聯絡告知語文中心,並提出證明。語中會提供相關資訊。並請務必參加第一次EMI TA工作坊,會有詳細說明。


NOTE: If you perceive the possibility that you won’t be able to complete the minimum required EMI TA Chatroom hours because of schedule conflict, please contact the Language Teaching and Research Center, inform the administrative assistants of your situation and provide relevant documents that confirm your situation within THREE WEEKS after the EMI TA Training Program launches for the semester. Then further information will be provided. Also, it is particularly imperative that you attend the first EMI TA workshop. Relevant details and information will be available in the orientation segment of the workshop.

4)     完成規定的教發中心Moodle上的線上講座,並完成填寫回饋單及工作坊時數。每一學期會有微幅的變動。

Complete required hours of online lectures on Moodle and workshops as well as complete the feedback surveys. The number may vary slightly from semester to semester.



9.     完成培訓之後可取得證書嗎?

What do I get when I complete the training?


An electronic certificate of completion. One in Chinese and one in English.


A note about the certificate: This certificate proves you’ve completed the EMI TA Training program and is not valid for any other specific academic or vocational purposes. Nonetheless, it can serve as a plus in your future CV.


10.   培訓課程不同內容的時數是否可以拿來互補?

Can I make up the hours I miss in one part of the training with extra attendances of other parts?




11.  可以用那些英語能力檢定成績或證書當英文能力證明?

What standardized English proficiency tests are acceptable to prove my English proficiency level?

1)     GEPT, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, Aptis, OPT, Linguaskill, BULATS.

2)     不確定時,歡迎來信或來電詢問。

When in doubt, write or call us and ask.


12.   聯絡方式

How do I get in touch?

Center of Learning and Teaching Development (教發中心)

 TEL: (049) 2910960 Ext. 2286

Language Teaching and Research Center (語文中心)

  TEL: (049) 2910960 Ext. 2151, 2654, 2655

  Email: englishcorner.ncnu@gmail.com